
Language Embeddings#

Kashgari provides several embeddings for language representation. Embedding layers will convert input sequence to tensor for downstream task. Availabel embeddings list:

class name description
BareEmbedding random init tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer for text sequence embedding
WordEmbedding pre-trained Word2Vec embedding
BERTEmbedding pre-trained BERT embedding
GPT2Embedding pre-trained GPT-2 embedding
NumericFeaturesEmbedding random init tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer for numeric feature embedding
StackedEmbedding stack other embeddings for multi-input model

All embedding classes inherit from the Embedding class and implement the embed() to embed your input sequence and embed_model property which you need to build you own Model. By providing the embed() function and embed_model property, Kashgari hides the the complexity of different language embedding from users, all you need to care is which language embedding you need.

Quick start#

Feature Extract From Pre-trained Embedding#

Feature Extraction is one of the major way to use pre-trained language embedding. Kashgari provides simple API for this task. All you need to is init a embedding object then call embed function. Here is the example. All embedding shares same embed API.

import kashgari
from kashgari.embeddings import BERTEmbedding

# need to spesify task for the downstream task,
# if use embedding for feature extraction, just set `task=kashgari.CLASSIFICATION`
bert = BERTEmbedding('<BERT_MODEL_FOLDER>',
# call for bulk embed
embed_tensor = bert.embed([['语', '言', '模', '型']])

# call for single embed
embed_tensor = bert.embed_one(['语', '言', '模', '型'])

# array([[-0.5001117 ,  0.9344998 , -0.55165815, ...,  0.49122602,
#         -0.2049343 ,  0.25752577],
#        [-1.05762   , -0.43353617,  0.54398274, ..., -0.61096823,
#          0.04312163,  0.03881482],
#        [ 0.14332692, -0.42566583,  0.68867105, ...,  0.42449307,
#          0.41105768,  0.08222893],
#        ...,
#        [-0.86124015,  0.08591427, -0.34404194, ...,  0.19915134,
#         -0.34176797,  0.06111742],
#        [-0.73940575, -0.02692179, -0.5826528 , ...,  0.26934686,
#         -0.29708537,  0.01855129],
#        [-0.85489404,  0.007399  , -0.26482674, ...,  0.16851354,
#         -0.36805922, -0.0052386 ]], dtype=float32)

Classification and Labeling#

See details at classification and labeling tutorial.

Customized model#

You can access the tf.keras model of embedding and add your own layers or any kind customizion. Just need to access the embed_model property of the embedding object.